It was announced today that because “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” was so long (not as long as The Half-Blood Prince though), the movie studios have decided to split the movie into two parts.

As a Harry Potter nut, I don’t know how I feel about this. Part of me loves the idea that the final book might be given a movie deserving of it, with nothing being cut to fit into 2 hours. The first Harry Potter book, and even the second, was translated almost perfectly to the screen. By the time they got to four though, so much had to be cut out because the books were getting so long. This is a shame. While some things nobody missed (like Hermione’s stupid free the house elves campaign), others were very crucial. They cut out a lot of the back stories about Harry’s parents and Snape.

Part of me hates the idea though. There will be almost a year between Pt 1 and Pt 2 in the theaters, even though they are being shot simultaneously. For me the wait will suck. Also it seems like a way to drag it out and make the studios more money in the end, given they know this is the last Potter film they’ll be putting out.

5 Replies to “Harry Potter! The Final Movie News”

  1. Every Harry Potter fan I know, (and there are ALOT) would gladly sit through one long movie if it does the book justice! I myself hadn’t heard about splitting the movie up, but I don’t like the idea. To me, Harry Potter movies are an event, and it is bad enough waiting for entire movies to be made, let alone the thought of a two-parter!

  2. I reread my HP, I finished it tonight. I hope that they film entire chapters as they are written and not fuss over timing. At least that’s what I am hoping. The forest chapters and the Silver Doe are crucial to the story line as well as the final battle scenes in the last three chapters. Let’s hope they stay true to the writing and not to someones editing skills.


  3. I love the idea of 2 movies but I detest the thought of waiting a year inbetween them! But all of the last book really deserves to be shown, not just parts here and there.

  4. I go back and forth on the issue, for the most part I guess I am okay with it because there is NOTHING that I want left out of the 7th book/movie-and they are already going to have to make up some ground, for example: WHERE HAS DOBBY been all this time? At the same time I worry that it is 100% about the money and not the story. As for the time between, it is not that long actually one comes out in November, the other in May. It is not a year, just 6 months. People waited longer for Lord of the Rings movies….

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