So not to brag, but I do consider myself a tad internet savvy 🙂 One thing that doing the soap pages for so long got me is a presence on the web. Therefore anyone who wants to look me up has a pretty easy way to do so! In fact I just found out by Googling my name I was listed on as a “famous” Dustin. They clearly didn’t know who the hell I was and why I was so easily found, just swiping a description from my “About Me” page. I learned from their page that if you put “Dustin” into google the SoapOperaFan pages come up in the first two searches. We are talking before Dustin Hoffman and even the immortal Dustin Diamond. Yeah that’s pretty hot there!
Anyway, the point of the above is that anyone I’ve met in life, well it’s pretty easy to find me though search engines if for some reason they wanted to. Plus I’m on MySpace, Facebook, etc . . . (I think I’m still on Friendster, not that it counts anymore). Well low and behold an old old friend recently called out to me! For my mommy, who I know is reading, yes it was Karen! Karen was one of my best friends back in high school, we were in band and orchestra together. I hadn’t heard from her in a few years, so it was great to reconnect.
Of course between this and my recurring marching band nightmares, I feel the need to get back to my musical roots 🙂 My oboe is in my closet here, my clarinet at home in Va. I think I might have to go buy a reed for the oboe and see if I can even play anymore. It’s been years, I mean YEARS since I’ve played the thing! I think I’m going to go buy one tomorrow! It’s something for years I kept meaning to do, but never got around to.
Hey, in my book, you are the only famous Dustin! 🙂
That’s great about reconnecting with an old friend! I recently did the same with an old school friend of mine throuh MySpace. It had been over 10 years since we had last spoken to each other, and it was awesome to catch back up with her again!
I played the oboe in high school! My dad was the band director, so I played it during concert band in the winter, but I was on Color Guard during Marching season. LOVED it!
My parents sold my cherry wood oboe several years ago when they realized I could care less about playing it anymore, but I was damn good when I did play it! lol