The one thing I don’t like about traveling, I always come home needing a vacation from my vacation. The conference technically wasn’t a vacation though, but I was mentally drained after coming home from it.
One of my bestest friends, who moved away last year, is back in town this week. We had dinner tonight and are doing some museum stuff in Philly on Friday. Should be fun! She is dying to move back home and is hoping to return in a year when she finishes the job she moved out of town for.
Other than that, not much exciting stuff going on in my life. I just am working to have my dissertation drafted by May so I can finally get the hell out of grad school. Then of course I have to face the “what do I do now?” question. People always ask that, what will I do when I’m done with school. My answer lately has been first let’s just get done with school, then I’ll decide the next step lol!
Wow,, May is coming up quick! When it is all over it will probably feel like you have been holding your breath all this time, and you will finally be able to let out a huge breath of relief eh? Any big party planned to celebrate when it’s done? (if so, will the webcam be on so we can all celebrate with you?)