So today was my birthday. The big 32! It wasn’t a terribly eventful day I’m afraid, and there isn’t only about 50 or so minutes…
Pre-Birthday Gift
Today I came home from picking up the dogs at the groomers. I found a package on my door step. It was addressed to me…
Way Back When . . .
I was ten when the original Live Aid happened. I remember it being an all day event on MTV, but I was ten and my…
We Don’t Have To Take Our Clothes Off . . . .
but obviously from this video it really does help to make a good time! This obviously is a remake, the original however doesn’t have all…
I Choose You Evil Wizard!
I gave up on the facial hair experiments, the evil wizard look has filled in and I’ve shaped the side burns enough so that they…
It Finally Happened
I had JUST started getting back to the gym after hurting myself way to much lately and it happened, the toenail finally fell off. Uhg.…
Like, I Can’t Find My Country On Mapquest And Stuff
This has been all over the local news today. It happened last week but 1) I didn’t watch the stupid Miss Teen USA Pageants and…
Filling In
I’m really not that red, I don’t know what was up with the tint. I tried to fix it a bit but it didn’t do…