So here are some photos of the gayest tree in the world. It’s not your traditional tree, which readers from past years may recall. I think it’s on its last legs this years too . . . . thankfully! At first it was fun, now I’m over it and am ready for a change. I will admit, it does look neat at night when it’s lit up. The BF loves it though. However every year it’s more of a chore to get it up and working, as the lights burn out and have to be replaced. We have two of these silly trees, every years he pillages more and more of the lights from the spare to plug into this one. That’s why I think this is the last year for the tree, there isn’t anything left to pillage at this point. Of course it will probably get replaced with some blindingly electrifying LED nightmare 🙂

Tomorrow evening we are due to get hit with something. My hope is for a great big snow storm, but reality will probably bring a nasty mix of rain and sleet. I am so hoping for a nice big storm that just makes everything outside peaceful and quiet. I love when the snow makes traffic stop. Plus I really detest having to walk the dogs in nasty sleet and cold cold rain. Walking them in the snow is no picnic, but at least nicer than the sleet and miserable rain. Of course if we get snowed in, I’ll probably get distracted by the snow when I need to be writing school work 🙂 That reminds me, I should probably go to Blockbuster and get some movies since I’m sure nothing will be on TV either this weekend, assuming everyone else hasn’t run to the store and rented everything in anticipation of the storm.
I love it. It looks so cool at night!
did u get hit hard? i hope it’s alright, and that u’re enjoying being snowed in if u did get snowed in. i don’t like snow, but i can see how nice it would be… i just hate walking in the slush that follows afterwards. oh, and shovelling the sidewalk isn’t that much fun either…