I got a nasty comment left on the blog, deleted it cause I didn’t want it there, but then it made me angry. I grew even more angry when the person who left it didn’t leave a valid email with her nasty comment, as I responded to her. I figured if she was going to be nasty, I was going to respond! So I am posting her comment and my response as a whole blog post! Yes I got that pissy. Oh and sorry, there is language in this post!
Tessa left the following comment in response to my Christmas/ABC Family Channel post in which I called Lifetime “Television for Lesbians.”
How dare you refer to Lifetime as Television for Lesbians. You obviously have no respect for women and treat them like dirt. That is why you have no woman in your life and live with your dogs. Maybe the answer to that question is that you are a fag. I don’t know who you think you are, but fuck you, asshole.
Wow! Where to begin. First with the obvious . . .
1) It was a JOKE. I love Lifetime, I watch it as I obviously commented on their programing. Again it was a joke and play on their own slogan “Television for Women.” I guess you didn’t get the joke? Sorry, my blog is not a serious one, I thought that was obvious.
2) As for the obvious, well yes mam I am a fag if you hadn’t figured it out. I don’t know if you just didn’t bother to read anything else on the blog or what.
3) How DARE you lecture me about respect or treating people like dirt when you left a message on my blog calling me a fag. That’s the pot calling the kettle black.
4) You left an obvious fake email address, because my response to you telling you some of these points bounced back to me as no such user. I won’t give your fake email out to the world, however someone like you who would throw out the word fag like that to someone has no right to call yourself a feminist (which was suggested by your fake email username).
-Dustin, a fag with a sense of humor.
Dustin loves the ladies, and has nothing but utmost respect for them.
Preach it sister Emily lol. Seriously, I mean I don’t even have male friends!
Dustin, why even bother responding to someone who is obviously just insane. Those of us that know you Love you and appreciate your sense of humor. Carry on, Dera…and Tessa, get some therapy, Please!
Lol to make an example?
When I read the post, I initially thought “Huh?” cause my mom watches Lifetime and I am pretty sure she isn’t a lesbian, LOL! But I think the name calling and viciousness of that comment was completely out of line. When someone has an issue with someone, why does it automatically have to resort to brining their sexuality into the issue? Small minds and all that….
Dustin, I love your Days page and your Blog. YOU ROCK.
That is truly pathetic. My husband calls Lifetime the same thing:) I hope you don’t waste too much time and energy on someone who has her head stuck up her a$$.
And let me add that I’m a woman and you have always treated me with the utmost respect, and you’ve never treated me like dirt in the least. Not even like a faint smudge of a shadow of dirt.