I believe I’m finally on the mend. Today was the first day that I did NOT need to take a nap. The past week I’ve had the worst time staying awake. At first I thought I had picked up mono from the hospital somehow. However the lack of food and cold medication also probably didn’t help my state. Of course when I did have trouble actually getting to sleep was at night. 3, 4 even 5am are the hours I’ve seen lately trying to get to bed. My sleep patterns are definitely off now, even more so than before.
I was hoping to return home tomorrow, but I want to make sure I’m well enough to drive without falling asleep. Tomorrow is the BF’s birthday, so I’m going to miss it 🙁 We’ll have to celebrate when I get home.
In other news, I was invited to participate in an archaeological conference at the end of February in a session related to my own work. I debated the pros and cons and ultimately decided to do it. I already have a paper I’ve present and published, all I need to do is tweak and add to it my new findings. Had I had to write something from scratch, I would have declined. It’s also a more local conference so all I have to do is drive there and back (hopefully).
You know what, all this drama and sickness, Oh My God!! We need a little Christmas, right this very minute….
Get thee some Christmas Cheer! Where are those pics of your grand nativity scene, I know you’ve added more to it this year!
I will set the nativity from hell up when I get home later this weekend. However I might be concervative this year and only put up select pieces. It’s so @%@%#$@#$ big I don’t have enough space for it where it was last year! I have to brainstorm where to put it now.
Glad you’re feeling better. Congratulations on the invite!