Keith came up Saturday and left today. It was a brief but fun visit. We did Cheesecake for lunch/dinner yesterday before heading to Eastern State Penitentiary for “Terror Behind The Walls.” Not too much had been changed from last year, but it was still scary and a good time. Today we took it easy and had lunch at Houlihan’s. We hung out, then he headed home.
I’m actually beat and don’t have too much more to say. Something aggravated my allergies this weekend, I think maybe it was trying to quickly clean and dust before Keith got here. Needless to say I’ve been sneezing and miserable all weekend because of it. Then again, it could have been Keith’s doggy he brought too 🙂 We’ll see how I am now that they are gone.
Oh I did decorate the inside of the house for Halloween too 🙂 The BF has been getting “The Nightmare Before Xmas” village, but he has never set it up. Why buy it then? I set it up this year. There are 11 pieces to it so far, who knows how many in total are going to come. It’s the same place that sends me the never ending village of Bethlehem when I thought I was ordering a simple nativity.

Love the village!
How cool!