So Saturday was the big middle school flea market fair thingy. Got up at the fun fun hour of 5am to get ready, get their and set up. Had to set up a table, the merchandise and a tent. Unfortunately the weather was dismal. It was overcast and foggy, which I think kept people away. Of course the afternoon was sunny and wonderful, figures. We did sell about 237 dollars worth of stuff, and I think did far better than most of the people there. They had junk (think yard sale) and we had all the food basically. So we had something people actually needed lol.
I finally finished the house, with the exception of carving some pumpkins for the doorstep. I’ll probably do that this week. However I haven’t carved a pumpkin probably since I was a kid, so I don’t know how I’ll do. I’ll probably swipe some pumpkln carving stencils 🙂
I made Jason Vorhees and hug him up. The poor guy has some body dismorphic issues I’m afraid. Real issues, not the kind in his head. Honestly, I’m worried he’ll have fallen down by morning given the haphazardly way I hung him. If so I’ll have to do a better job. I also really needed to actually stich all his clothes together and then stuff him it seems, which I know now and will prepare for next year. As is I just stuffed him using the technieuqe I knew. It’s great for sitting a scarecrow like this on your porch, not so good for hanging one up though! I’m also a tad allergic to the straw, so now I’m itching like mad along my arms.
I’m so jealous! It looks so creepy and scary! I love it! Great job, D!
Wow it looks good!! I think Jason would look better behind the window instead. But either way you did a nice job!!
It doesn’t matter if Jason falls into a million pieces… he always comes back anyway! *G*