I got my new pajama bottoms and decided to include a photo š

Yes, I did in fact buy Super Mario jamie pants. I know I know, you wish you had some too! They say, for the curious, ” Who’s Up For Italian.” I think that’s a tad sexual for Mario? I’m not sure. Oh well. Oh there is a better look at the china cabinet always behind me when I’m on cam. It always gets comments š When I get the video editing software for my first video blog, I’ll be sure to mention it.
I leave you tonight with a commercial from the 80s for my favorite all time cereal, Fruity Marshmallow Crispies. Damn you Kellogs for stop making it!
“Aye Que Escandolo!!”
OMG! Where did you get those PJ’s? I must get a pair for my son.
I found them at Kohl’s š
Thank you for this blog. It made me laugh. I have had a horrible day and really needed that!
kool pants! *spank*
I think they would look better around your ankles.