So today I found out the BF and his sister have to go to some trade show next week, and they are actually staying overnight in a hotel at the place the show is going on. Way to let me know, I found out when he was talking with someone else who would be there!

This of course means I will be spending the night all alone one day next week. Now I’m a big boy, I had my own apartment for years, so I have slept alone. However this will be the first time sleeping in a whole house, alone, just me . . . the animals . . . and the ghosts. I am not going to lie, I’ll be a tad nervous. I’ll be taking the dogs to bed with me that night probably 🙂


2 Replies to “Home Alone!”

  1. Randy has only ever been gone overnight twice and, though I had been looking forward to a little alone time, when it actually came I felt creeped out, too.

    Good luck, and yes, keep those doggies with you!

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