The weather lately cannot decide what it wants to do. We were barely hitting 60 for a few days, now it’s back to summer. I…
I’m Terrible, I Know
This is what the BF does every night he comes home from work. Lays on the floor and lets the dogs jump on him and…
Just Another Rainy Monday (Woah Woah)
Today, like yesterday, was very very wet. I’m not that fond of rainy days, but then who is I guess. I know some people love…
Movie Review: Beneath
I’ve made no secrets that I love a good scary movie. I’ve also made no secrets that most of what is put out today I…
Pinched Nerve? Plus Farming Fun!
I was prepared after this weekend to call the doctor about my shoulder, which became so painful today I thought I might cry. It seems…
It’s All His Fault I Think
I woke up this morning and soon enough, the arm was aching like mad again. I thought I slept carefully, though a few times I…
The Smells That Take You Back
Some hate it, some love it . . . I love it. Play-doh, one of those smells that takes you back. I swiped a sample…
Is There A Doctor In The House?
The toe still doesn’t know what it wants to do. It’s become a kaleidoscope of colors lately. It went from the original blood blue/black, back…
Growing The Great Pumpkin
The strawberries were once here, only a few months ago. They however are gone. Fall is coming, so it’s time to get ready with the…