Today, like yesterday, was very very wet. I’m not that fond of rainy days, but then who is I guess. I know some people love them, and there are times when a good rainy day can be fun for staying in doors and vegging in front of the TV. Unfortunately with two small dogs that have to be walked, it’s not that fun. Nikko could care less about the rain, but Princess well . . . she’s a princess. The minute we get out of the gravel driveway and to the the grass, she’ll dig her heels. She will not walk in the wet grass, no sir! She will insist we turn around and go back inside.
My facial hair finally is back to normal, though I must admit I was tempted to do another weird silly move with it this weekend. I didn’t, but who knows what I’ll feel like tomorrow morning 🙂
I ordered my birthday present today. Yes I have bought myself a birthday present for the past several years. Hey it’s my birthday, I can do what I want. I ordered myself a love-sac, which I’ve wanted for almost two years since I first saw them. They are basically a giant designer bean bag chair, but instead of Styrofoam beads it is filled with shredded durafoam. They are the most comfy things ever! Unfortunately when I first saw them 2 years ago, they came in 2 sizes, both insanely expensive and insanely large. Now they’ve branched out and are in a variety of sizes, so I got s small one just for me. I want it for gaming and for watching movies. I can’t wait till it comes. I’ll probably have to throw a sheet over it because of the dogs, who will decide I in fact purchased it for them. They can sleep on it, I just don’t want it to smell like them 🙂 Plus Niko may decide the purpose of it is in fact a giant stuffed animal that exists for him to rip apart. I’ll have to watch that. If there is something over it, he might not figure it out.
Percy hides and teased the dogs at the bottom of the steps
Hope you keep us updated on the facial hair. I think you should write your name in it or something. 🙂 Just for kicks. 🙂
Those chairs sound fun. And is it bad to buy ourselves birthday presents? I always have.
“Love sac” brought up different images at first, I must admit. The reality of it sounds comfy! My old dog, Greta, would have disemboweled it, then dragged the carcass (otherwise known as the outer shell) around like a fresh kill. Silly dog. She was always into something, but I kind of liked that about her. *G*
I hope the cover over it works for you. :0)