
I woke up this morning and soon enough, the arm was aching like mad again. I thought I slept carefully, though a few times I woke up catching myself having turned over a weird way during the night. I tend to sleep on my sides, which is why I thought sleeping odd is what has whacked my arm up.

This afternoon while walking the terrors is when it hit me. The arm hurting me is the arm I hold Nikko’s leash with. Normally he is very good walking on the leash, actually much better than Princess who actually went through obedience school. However if he sees something he wants, he’ll try and dart and pull me to get to it. I’m wondering if maybe he’s pulled a little too much lately. Yes he’s small, but don’t underestimate him!

In other news, Emily and I canned the movie night tomorrow. She needed a break and I really have a lot I need to get done too. In two weekends is when Keith comes. Yeah funness! My birthday is the week after I think. Absolutely nothing has been planned. So many of my friends moved away this year, so the ones I normally would be going to dinner with I won’t. Emily’s birthday is after mine, we may try and plan something in the middle.



2 Replies to “It’s All His Fault I Think”

  1. Aww so adorable!

    I didn’t like Vacancy either, but then based on the previews I didn’t expect it to be incredible. I am a huge horror flic fan, you should check out a rather unknown film called “Perfume, a story of Murder”. It’s really good.

    Have a great weekend!


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