Play-Doh Fun Factory Some hate it, some love it . . . I love it. Play-doh, one of those smells that takes you back. I swiped a sample canister from the farm, they had a whole bunch for some reason, parties or what not. It’s only the amount of say, what you’d get if you bought silly putty (hmm where is my silly putty). It’s enough to get the glorious whiff of play-doh smell. It smells the same, but not as strong as I remember. It tastes the same too. Yes, I licked the play-doh! Now I’m nostalgic for the play-doh fun factory, though it was one of those toys I never really got. We had one, but basically all you could really do with it was make a long play-doh turd (as demonstrated in the photo).

Not much else to report. Emily and I swore we wouldn’t be doing another movie night this weekend. We’ve done two in a row, and well, last weekend lets just say we had a little too much fun. We decided not to have another for awhile. Seems like we decided to have another anyways.

Not content to just have the disgusting looking toe, I had to hurt myself some other way. I always hurt myself in multiples. I’ve somehow slept on my arm wrong the past night or two, and now it’s sore and not feeling well. It’s the shoulder. I’m getting older, which sucks. I’m off to lay on the heating pad for a bit and watch this movie “Vacancy.” I don’t have high hopes, we’ll see though.