I woke up this morning in paaaaiiiinnnn! My back was in knots. I don’t know if it was just a delayed reaction from the weekend, stress, or both. I ended up laying on the heating pad for awhile. Getting old sucks!

The vacation blog post, with photos, is on the way. I have it almost done. Well it’s done, I just want to go back and make sure I’m not leaving anything important out.

The dogs were excited to see me. I had to get five minutes of kisses from them. Then they went on their merry ways. The house, somehow, is more of a mess than when I left it! This is not good. Keith wants to come up the last weekend of the month for a visit. I have to get this sucker clean by then! I could do a little each day, but that never seems to work with me. I’ll just have to choose a day this weekend and just cleaaaannnnnn.

Friday night Emily, myself and her friend are going to the Harry Potter Midnight release party at the Barnes and Nobles down the street. I guess you know what I’ll be doing this weekend! Reading reading reading! I’ll have that book done before Monday!
