I have discovered that with the newer versions of WordPress, the blog software I use, that one can export and import blogs from one site to another, even merging two. Hmmmmm. I have a long dormant blog at http://www.wizardworks.net/blog/ that I’d love to integrate into my archives here. The tricky part is I have to upgrade both the old one and this one to the new software. I hate doing that 🙂 Plus I have to fiddle around with the category names. Some are exactly the same, that could cause issues possibly, I’m not sure. I’d most likely have to rename the categories on the old blog with an old tag and then one by one move EVERYTHING into the newer categories, just to be on the safe side. Yuck!
I haven’t done too much TV talk on here in a while. That would be because I started a second experimental blog. You can find it over at The Primetime Dish. That’s where I’ve been doing all my TV rants and raves and stuff. It was started as an experiment to find a new show to replace The O.C. on my soap pages, but I decided I just liked doing it in general and kept it going and probably will keep it going. I watch too much TV, I need an outlet for it 🙂