This weekend I had to go to a spit of a little mall in the area to take care of things. While there I saw they had a pet store. This store actually sold kittens and dogs. I had to take a look. They had a Westie a little over a year old. I felt sooooo bad for it. There was also a Cairn, about the same age. Both were said to be last owned by some woman. I didn’t know the story, I didn’t want to. The Cairn was beautiful, the Westie however needed a good grooming. Someone came along asking to look at the Westie. I swear it must have come from the breeder I got Princess from. I had to leave the store, I don’t know if they adopted it.

I then made the mistake of telling the BF, who talked about it all weekend. “Do you think it’s still there?” “You should go check.” As much as I’d love to, I can’t. Getting dogs from pet stores just keeps putting cash into puppy mills. It’s very possible this pet store was actually reputable and didn’t get their animals from puppy mills, but who knows if they can be trusted. Plus the dog was a little over a year, I would not want to bring it home and have it not socialize well with the current dogs and cats.

On the topic of guilty pleasures, the following video is a totally guilty pleasure. It’s terrible, we shouldn’t really like listening to his music anymore given all that has happened, but I can’t help but like the old stuff I grew up with. This song always makes me want to dance when I hear it.

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