First up, I did have PF Changs for dinner tonight . . . . however it was takeout. Yes, plans with friends fizzled unfortunately. This time it WASN’T my fault! I swear!
At around 9am this morning the BF shows up collapsing in pain in the bedroom. He has to go to the ER, he thinks he has a hernia. I ask when this pain started? 6:30am when he got up! Anyways, his words, “it feels like I’ve been kicked in the nuts.” Well I don’t know what a hernia feels like, but I do know it’s pain in the groin area from the intestines poking out through ripped muscles and tissue and stuff. guess it could be a hernia.
So many many hours in the ER, an ultrasound and a CT scan later, the verdict is in . . . . kidney stones! Now he has never had kidney stones, and as much pain as he was in, he unfortunately missed the real pain. Basically his stone was already in the bladder making its way through the urethra. As it slowly passes, it can hit nerves and send pains to . . . well a man’s nether region. Thus he felt “kicked in the nuts” from it. I have not experienced that pain down there, I will spare you what I have felt. As bad as that part is, it is heaven compared to when the stones pass from the kidneys to the bladder. THAT is the real pain. That must have happened during his sleep, he is lucky to have missed that part! HAd that been the pain he was experiencing I could have saved him the ER trip (been there done that, will never forget that bill). So he’s been sleeping in bed since about 3/4pm. The drugs they gave him in the ER have made him sick. He’ll probably pee the stone out in the morning, from my experience.
Needless to say, I wasn’t having people over tonight, so dinner out and people over to play Nintendo was canceled again. On a brighter note I got the edited article for the journal. I can do this is an hour or two, which is a huge relief. I had visions of days of rewrites on this thing. I do need to return a book to the library and pick up a few more. I should do this tomorrow, but it will probably be pushed back till Monday evening since I have to make up some work.
I guess that’s it for tonight!
Oh my gosh. Poor guy. I hope he is okay in the morning.
Oh my! Talk about drama. Hope the coming week turns out better!
Hey you!
How’s the big red T? 🙂
Hope he’s better soon! And good to hear about the article. :0)