So I drove myself and the doggies home today. I got an brandy new Hyundai Azera to drive in, only 2500 miles on it! To bad it also had a big chip in the windshield where a rock flew up and hit it!
The minute I drove off in the car I felt the seat was warm. I thought it must be a seat warmer, but I couldn’t find the controls. I then started thinking maybe the leather and seat padding where just retaining my body head or something. Five minutes from hold, after a 3 1/2 hour drive, I found the controls. Yup, it was a seat warmer.
I neglected to bring CDs or an ipod on the trip, I figured I’d take my chances with the radio. I found several “the best music of today and yesterday” kind of stations which suited me nicely, it was enough of a variety, unlike the top 40 stations that only play hip hop.
As I listened to the music, I wondered when hip hop would start burning out. I mean all music does. Grudge died out after several years, everything sounded the same. The era of the bubble gummy pop boy bands faded away too. Isn’t it about time for hip hop to go out? Here, let me hold open the door for it! Seriously though, I wonder what will replace it when it goes.
The commercials on the radio kept advertising spring break getaways. This reminded me of how MTV always had their spring break week and summer beach houses. Do they do that anymore? Somehow I doubt it because nobody wants to actually see music videos or artists on MTV these days. How sad is it when you think of MTV and actually say “I miss Adam Curry and the Top 20 Countdown.”
Anyways, I need to be in bed. I have to accompany my mother to the hospital in the morning as she needs to get some tests done. I have to wake up in, oh 4 hours from now.
Seat warmers are wonderful in the winter. I don’t have them in my car, but my mother does. Lovely after walking through sub-zero temps to get to the car!
I hope all goes well with your mother…