Well I made it home safe and sound with the dogs. They love it here, they have a huge backyard to run around in, not chained to a leash. They stay outside more than they stay inside.
Tomorrow I’ll probably be decorating three, count them three trees of various sizes. Don’t worry, I’ll post pictures. I also need to get to a mall and shop. I should probably make that my priority. The closer it gets to Christmas the worse the crowds will get.
In other news, some guy has filed a lawsuit against Nintendo. Why? Because he damaged his property playing his new Wii, the wrist strap broke or something. Nintendo is voluntarily replacing the straps with stronger ones, if people so desire. He claims this proves the product is inferior and thus Nintendo owes him money for property damage, pain, suffering and so forth.
I say if you broke your TV, window or even yourself playing the Nintendo Wii, you are a moron. You don’t have to actually swing the remote with the force it takes to actually hit a home run for real. I have yet to have the “wiimote” fly out of my hand and half the time I don’t bother with the wrist strap. If I break a window with it I’d say “Doh! Guess I was playing too hard. I’m an idiot.” I guess I need to get in tune with the “It’s not my fault, I’m going to sue” side that everyone in America seems to have these days.
i agree, people are so stupid to blame nintendo. and i bet he will even get some money since nintendo is replacing the straps. i know some people who tell me that after playing they physically hurt, so if they pull a muscle, should they sue also? this, my friend, is why people suck.
Merry Merry Christmas to you and your family!! Enjoy
I’m so glad I don’t have that kind of money to spend on gaming! Better safe than sorry I guess. The last gamer I owned was an Atari!!
People like this annoy the crap out of me. They tie up the courts with this sh*t and waste everyone’s time and money. Entitlement issues mixed with stupidity is a bad combination.