Oh lord it was another one of those days. Day three of calling to far far away technical support land. I don’t understand this nonsense at all, I had to tell the whole story all over again even though I had a case number and it should have been in my file! I was transfered three times within an hour long call. When I finally expressed outrage at being told the laptop would not be returned to me until January 4th, I was given to the case manager. Tip number one when calling tech support, demand a case manager . . . . it was an American! Anyways I was informed it might take that long (this guy said January 19th!) because the motherboards for my model were on backorder at the moment. He said if the motherboard had to be replaced (I don’t think it should but what do I know) then it could be a delay. He gave me his extension and said I could call back if that became the issue and they’d see what could be done. At this point I feel like I don’t have much of a choice, if Best Buy or some other place needs the same part to fix it then it will be the same delay.
This of course leaves me with my Dell that is going to hell. If the HP ISN’T back by next week, then I may just have to bite the bullet, back this Dell up and see if reformating the HD fixes the issues I’m having. Something tells me it won’t, the HD is just dying on me. The minute the HP is fixed, I’m going to have to go through this allllll again to get the Dell fixed. FUN!
I feel like this computer non-sense has taken over my life this week. I haven’t been able to blog about how eatting tofu makes one a homosexual. Oh wait, it makes people gay except all those millions of people living in Asia. I also haven’t been able to blog about “The War on Christmas” apparently causing the removal of some Christmas trees at an airport in Seattle. Oh wait no, that was because they didn’t want to put up a Menorah along with the trees, so they just took them down. Don’t worry, now that they learned the Rabbi complaining wasn’t going to sue them, they put the trees back.
Me thinks you should have a dedicated room to keep the computers in the future. Stay COOL!!
Rooting for you…
Dr. Aravis prescribes one long vacation with bf, a hot tub and lots of play time. To be taken as soon as possible, and as often as necessary. ;0)