I seem to have gotten the warranty issues with my PC straighted out now. I called the land of far far away tech support today and the call went much better than last nights calls. I have a case number for the repair, but it hasn’t been set up. I had to be transfered to another department for that, but they were too busy. They are SUPPOSED to call me back tonight or tomorrow. We shall see. Otherwise I’m calling them tomorrow afternoon about this.

As I was expecting, I was told to back up the HD as they would most likely reformat it. I hope they actually return it with what they originally gave me on it, otherwise I will not be a happy camper! Actually I think everything that I asked for extra was given to me on a discs, so it SHOULD be okay.

Oh by the way, I believe this Thursday (maybe next Thursday, I cant recall) at noon on Lifetime they are going to show “If You Believe.” This features the Cheerleader from heroes when she was but a wee lass. It’s a great Christmas movie and she is adorable in it, so Heroes fans have to check it out.

The school stuff also looks to be getting straightened out too, thats another followup for tomorrow as well.


3 Replies to “A Glimmer Of Hope”

  1. Joel’s computer is at the shop as we speak even after a world of tech support help over a 2 week period, I gave up and took it in for diagnostics. It is a stupid walmart cheapie and NOW we ahve spent almost as much in repairs as we paid for it tro start with! Doh!

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