Okay yeah yeah, so the 5th day of Christmas is technically December 30th not 5th, whatever. Almost done with decorating this house. I still have 3 trees to decorate when I get home to Virginia though, so you’ll be getting a lot more Christmas pictures in the future. We have our big traditional tree, the medium sci-fi/fantasy tree and the a little miniature tree. Here are some photos of the tree we just finished here . . .

That would be the BF hanging his dirty Mardi Gras beads on the tree. I tell him that they make baby Jesus cry, but he still puts them on the tree. The only other thing to report is that it is cold here, really really miserably cold. So cold that when I take the dogs out it’s like “Hurry up and go so we can get back inside!”

Oh yeah, the other news to report is that the weekend in Vegas is all set! Almost everyone going has booked their rooms and plane tickets. It should be a blast. I can’t wait to see Fran and Nica again, and this time I get to meet Zanny!

Tomorrow I have to go shopping again. I want to try and finish up my Christmas shopping as well as try and do some last minute birthday shopping. I’m having a terrible time buying for the BF this year!


6 Replies to “On The 5th Day Of Christmas . . . .”

  1. Dirty Mardi Gras beads…that would be right up my husband’s alley. however, I have the final veto on what goes on the tree!! I really like the tree that the two of you have. It is very different from last years (unless I’m thinking of your mom’s). What made you get this type of tree, and how do Princess and Nikko like it?

    Glad to hear that your Vegas vacation is shaping up nicely…you deserve a fun break:)

  2. You are probably thinking of my mom’s tree 🙂 My BF has had this tree for, mmm 4-5 years I guess lol. He didn’t put up trees before me, or hadn’t in a long time. He picked it out from a Christmas showroom, he likes it, why I don’t know. When it finally breaks beyond repair we’ll have to get a more traditional looking tree, cause I don’t think they make these anymore. The lights always seem to burn out and sections of the tree go on and off. Uhg.

  3. Problems with the tree aside, it really is beautiful all lit up like that. And babies like pretty colored beads, so baby Jesus might be crying because he can’t reach the beads to play with them. *G*

    The trip to Vegas sounds great!

  4. The tree is beautiful. I need a digital camera so I can show you mine!! UGH!!

    It is 1c and snowing in Montreal tonight. (Wed)


  5. That a beautiful tree. I was going to get real tree but we decided to get fake one. My kids love the christmas tree but they take out the decorates out the christmas tree. kids can be kids

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