Today has to be my last lazy layabout day. I need to get back to writing tomorrow. *Sigh* The week to relax and lounge about was nice, I watched a lot of movies, played a lot of games. I had some migraines too, but oh well.
It’s looking like I may not be able to head home till Tuesday evening or *gulp* Wednesday. I’d rather drive home Tuesday evening than on Wednesday if I can help it. Some of the packages I was expecting have been delayed till Tuesday. I obviously jinxed myself.
Lately every time I get into my car I hear this insane commercial for Verizon Wireless. Some 20 something girl is yammering about about how she and her friends talk to one another for hours and hours because of in-network calling and they don’t use up any of their minutes. She then says “we don’t bother to call some of our other friends because they don’t have in-network calling and we don’t want to waste our valuable minutes.” I hate that commercial so much. I don’t know about these girls, but I’d literally have to talk on my cell phone 3+ hours each day to use up all the minutes I’m alloted.
Anyways I’m off to enjoy this last night. I’m not sure what I’m going to do, I guess play some games or find a movie to watch 🙂