I have to leave Friday to head to the conference, so my paper has to basically be done and printed out by then. I’m not about to be running around Saturday morning looking for a Kinkos to print my paper off. The paper is coming along, my main issue is still filling 20 minutes. I’m sure others on my panel will need more time, I’d be glad to offer them some of mine 🙂

Getting to the conference is another issue on my mind. It will take 5 hours according to MapQuest to drive, which means add on another hour for traffic and what not. I have NEVER driven that long in a car. I have driven up to 6 hours a day, but it was broken up into 3 hours one way and 3 hours back later on. My alternative is Amtrak, which will take between 5-6 hours. From the station I then have to take a local commuter rail out to the suburbs, about an hours ride. THEN I have to somehow get a taxi to take me to the hotel. Uhg!

Oh did I mention company is coming on Wednesday? Surprise! I thought my BF’s niece was coming next week. Nope she’s coming this week. Furthermore it’s not just one niece but two nieces! I love them, but I got to get this paper done. I also wanted to be able to hang out with them some, but now I’ll be spending the whole frickin weekend away. Grrrr!


3 Replies to “Crunch Time Again”

  1. I love long road trips. We once drove 14 straight hours from our home in CT. to Pigeon Forge TN. To be honest, I wouldn’t do that again. We’ve always broken it up into a 2 day drive since that time. :0P

    If you’re not used to driving for that long, then the train might be the way to go. You won’t have to keep your eyes on the road or struggle to stay awake. You can nap along the way or use the time to work on your presentation. It’s more challenging in terms of changing modes of transportation, but it might be worth it in the end. You could always call ahead for a taxi when you know what time you’ll be arriving…

  2. If you take the Amtrack atleast you will get to rest most of the time. Relax with a walkman or Ipod for that matter. Good luck this week and with the conference !

  3. I have faith in your abilities. Bring munchies and good music and enjoy the time between. Are you going alone? You will do fine. I am sure of that.


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