More pointless crap 🙂 Dorothy You scored 85 cheesecake points! “You had the highest IQ in the burrough.” (Sophia quote) Good job. Great job in…
I’m A Geek?
I found this over at Devious Steve-O Pure Geek 43 % Nerd, 60% Geek, 21% Dork For The Record: A Nerd is someone who is…
Georgia On My Mind
I’ve been pretty stressed out this week because of school. I have about a month until this conference where I have to present a paper…
Let’s Get Some Tubes?
I had THE most bizarre dream last night. When I was a kid I would get chronic ear infections that required tubes almost on a…
No Sickness Today (Maybe)
Thanks for all the well wishes. I didn’t wake up sick, though I did have trouble waking up. While it is warm right now (hitting…
When It Rains It Pours?
So my BF is apparently getting a cold . . . the day after I came home! Maybe I made him sick? It also seems…