All those constitutional bans against gay marriage in order to protect traditional marriage are apparently working wonders . . . .
It is by no means dead, but for the first time, a new survey has shown that traditional marriage has ceased to be the preferred living arrangement in the majority of US households.
The findings, which were released in August but largely escaped public attention until now because of the large volume of data, indicated that marriage did not figure in nearly 55.8 million American family households, or 50.2 percent.
By comparison, the number of traditional households with married couples at their core stood at slightly more than 55.2 million, or 49.8 percent of the total.
I can’t wait to see how groups spin this one. Somehow I’m sure it will still be the fault of gays and evil family hating Democrats. I’ve already heard augments to the like in the past, that it’s Democrats faults that divorce laws were eased and it’s Democrats faults that the morals of our society have gone down hill. If a Democrat told a Republican to jump of a bridge would he? I guess he would, since that is the argument being made by these people.
Facinating… and yes I guess it is “working wonders” as my boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years, have reached the point of wanting to have kids, but still have decided that untill marriage is an equal right we want no part of it. I’ll support anyone else who wants to get married, marriage is a choice and should be so…. it just is not my choice to participate in something that discriminates against others
VA’s is totally ridiculous. It affects a lot more than just gay marraiges, it affects non-marital relationships as well when it comes to inheritance and property rights. I will definitely vote no.
Thanks for the interesting statistics!