I was much more calm today, no panic attacks. However I was trying to fight off a migraine most of the day, due to the very wet weather. I also have been moving slow. I stayed up really late last night reading and doing some work, had to get up really early this morning to take Nikko to the vet and thus crashed when I got back and way over slept. Whoops! I’m going to try and do a lot of work tonight, but I’m tired and fading fast.
Nikko is home and is doing well. He’s moving slow too and mostly just sleeping. Princess tried to get him to play with her but he wanted to be left alone and hid from her. His “tumor” is gone, but he looks silly. They shaved from between his eyes down to the tip of his nose.
Other than that, just trying to get things in order for Keith’s arrival on Friday.
Hope things settle down and such. 🙂
I was wondering what treatments you have tried for your migraines. I have a friend who had acupuncture for them and it worked wonders. She still might get one from time to time, but not as severe or for as long. From what I’ve heard about acupuncture it isn’t at all painful, but actually relaxing, my friend fell asleep during a treatment!
Lately not much. Most of mine come on from stress or overworking myself. However abrupt changes in the weather give me headaches too 🙂
I normally have to sleep them off.
They gave him a reverse mohawk? *G* Glad he’s back and doing alright though.