So I asked my BF about the cats and the door, indeed one of them can turn the doorknob with its paws. I guess it wasn’t the ghost after all.
I went out and bought a crock pot today. A good and bad purchase. You see today I also attempted to put on some of my winter clothes and my jeans were a little bit tight. Actually very tight. I had made the decision that after this weekend and the cooking of the grape jelly meatballs that I would go back to being a vegetarian for a bit, but with the purchase of the crock pot and the book that came with it, well I don’t know. There are some yummy chicken recipes in it! I may just have to stay away from red meat I think, I eat it a bit too much and it’s probably my main problem.
If I could find time to get to the gym that would help too, but I don’t see myself getting there ANYtime soon with my school schedule and this paper deadline in a month.
I’m afraid that’s all I have to say for today.
Yes, skinless chicken shouldn’t be bad, and I’ll bet you can make some great soups in that pot! :0)