Thirteen Weird Things I Have Dreamt
I can’t go into too much detail here as it is supposed to be a list, so here are the short versions.
1. My teeth are all crooked (common stress dream)
2. I have long hair again!
3. I am killed (I have been shot, run over and had my head cut off)
4. I am killed, rewind my dream and save myself (I put my head back on once)
5. I am killed by my uncle, who is running around killing people with an axe.
6. When I was little I dreamt I married a beautiful blond adult woman (I was still little though, gross!) who left me right after we said I do.
7. I dreamt my BF was married to an Asian woman and never told me.
8. I dream a lot that I have to go back to high school to make up a credit.
9. I have re-occurring dreams of being back in high school band.
10. I dreamt about my own grandfather’s death before it happened.
11. I dreamt about the questions on an exam before I took it.
12. I have dreamt that a ghost in my house wanted to kill me by sucking my soul out (I woke up out of breath from that dream)
13. I have dreamt I bought something and woke up firmly believing I had and was upset I couldn’t find the thing I bought.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Becky
2. Debby’s Ramblings
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. ItΓ’β¬β’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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I have a Thursday Thirteen also. I posted about me ! π Anyways I’ve dreamt simliar only my are weirder.
I want to play. Where do you get the topic from? everybody has different topics?
You go to thursdaythirteen.com and get the code. You make up your topics as you see fit, but every now and then they post a challenge
Awww – I guess if I had visited their site I would know that. LOL π Thanks Dustin. π
Oh too kool, I think I might try this. I have some seriously messed up dreams, and I was even this morning thinking of mentioning details on my blog. Then I guessed they would bore people, I was wrong, loved reading yours.
Mine is up as well. I took a cue from you and did my list of fav horror movies. I could have gone on and on and I think I forgot a few, but had to narrow it down!
I loved your list π The Fog is one of my all time favs π