I’m busy working on the dissertation and find myself at a loss for words today. Actually I had some things to talk about, I’ll just save them for the weekend 🙂 I’m going to share two photos I took of the animals last night.

First up is Percy, who is getting bigger and eyeing the fish in the tank. The second was Nikko around 2am last night. I was watching some haunted show on Discovery which scared the crap out of me, he was playing dead on the couch.


2 Replies to “Pet Photos”

  1. They’re so cute! Animals are great for those moments when you’re feeling unnerved. They’ll either knock something over in the next room to make you jump out of your skin, or curl up with you to soothe you. Depends on their moods and mischief levels, I guess. And probably on how many treats they got that day…

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