For my birthday I got the following two photographs. The first is from Shannan, it’s a black and white photo of a Lucky Dog cart in New Orleans that has been colored in by the photographer/artist. When we were in New Orleans I was the only one to brave the Lucky Dog cart.

The second is half of my present from my BF, the other half hasn’t arrived. It’s mounted photos of Lynda Carter, signed to boot!

With the new Wonder Woman memorabilia I now have to really find a day to clean up my spare room I blogged about before. Below is a photo of the book shelf in the room, which is now a mess. However you can see a lot of my collection on it. There is some Star Wars crapola on it as well 🙂


3 Replies to “New Art”

  1. Did you prefer the World War II seasons or the 1970s seasons? The only episode I clearly remember was the one with the alien (the old guy from Buck Rogers)and the Shrill — the midgets with the tights and the Christmas garland. Not very scary. 😉

  2. I liked the 2nd season the best, which was the first season set in the 70s. It was campy and fun. The 3rd season they tried to make it too mystery/crime oriented and got all serious.

    That was the final episode of the 2nd season I beleive 🙂 It also had the kid from Karate Kid in it, the Van Patten.

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