It poured almost all day yesterday, putting me in a bit of a downer on my B-day. That plus it was the first test of the new server, which had a hiccup mid day when traffic spiked. I had to do some adjustments and stuff, hopefully that won’t happen again. Time will tell, I’m probably upgrading it come the end of the month to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Because of the nasty rain I never got to Cheesecake Factory 🙁 I’m supposed to go home soon and I will just go with Kieth when I get home. It’s much better when you eat there than do take out anyways.

The BF and I watched “Kinky Boots” last night. I love that movie and again recommend everyone rent it from your local videostore. It is an English film, but it’s not their dry bland comedy style. This one is good (sorry to anyone who likes the dry bland comedies).

I didn’t do school work yesterday, I decided it was my bday and I’d try and enjoy it. I tried as much as I could. When my friends all return to town I will be finally going out dancing. It’s been a long time and I can’t wait!

I did do school work today! I’m actually taking a break to write the majority of this post. I think doing school work will become more easy for me not only because of the deadlines under my ass, but because I enjoy the part I’m doing now (analyzing the data for all the nifty patterns). In a few months when I have to write all the intro and background chapters as well as deal with the edits and formats, I’ll be pulling my hair out again.

Today there was a major accident out front of my house (across the street). I honestly have no idea HOW I didn’t hear it. Both cars were totalled, one ran up on the curb and hit a tree! I found out later one woman didn’t have her seat belt on, hit the windshield and cracked it. This wasn’t on a highway, so I don’t think anyone actually died. It was also a pulling out of a parking lot accident as someone was pulling in, I don’t think they were going THAT fast (but enough to total the cars). I never even heard the sirens of an ambulance, but they don’t use them on this road unless they have to. I hope nobody died, not only for them but for me. I have enough ghosts as is, last thing I need is a woman in white on the road trying to get home. My dogs would just love that at night and it would spook me out.

Finally it was “Project Runway” Wednesday! Due to server issues last week I didn’t get to actually focus on the show as much as I would like, despite watching it 2 times in a row. I watched it tonight. Let me just say Laura got really really pregnant really fast. I also can’t believe it took this long to get rid of Vincent, who should have been gone long ago.


4 Replies to “It Was A Rainy B-Day”

  1. I like dry English humor! I am making it a point to rent Kinky Boots now, thanks for the heads up. I watched one season of Project Runway faithfully (the one with Santino, I think it was #2). Then I had to cut down on bills and cable had to go (it was either that or my internet..fat chance), and I haven’t been able to catch any episodes since. 🙁

  2. Yea for Vincent being cut on PR. Who do you want to win? I like different things about everyone that is left, although I think that Laura has just about used up her talents. I love Michael’s approach and the “wearability” (is that a word? Is it now?) of his clothes… I also love Jeremy’s style and origionality, it is like wearable art.

  3. Laura is next to go, she looks to be having a mental breakdown next week.

    Michael, Jeffrey and Uli will probably make it to the final 3.

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