Yes today is my 31st birthday, fun fun fun! I got a great present too! For starters it’s a pouring down wet and miserable day, but that’s not the present I’m speaking of. I got the present of fear! One of my friends emailed me to wish me a happy birthday, and to let me know she got her extension for school. You see you have 7 official years to finish your PhD, with a 3 year extension afterwards. You have to officially write in for the extension. I asked for 1 1/2 years rather than the whole 3, up this fall, because I wanted a deadline to shoot for. I got it, but never actually got an official letter from the school. I had to fricken call up and ask about the status, they said it was granted and they usually just send a letter to the department and not the student. Well my friend did hers a year after me, since she was a year behind me. She got hers, but has to write monthly progress reports to the school! OMG! I think this must be some new rule they implemented. This sucks as I know I’m going to need to ask for at least another semester to finish up, probably more reasonably 2 (getting me out first thing next fall if I don’t make it out by spring, no summer graduations!) This along with the presentation/paper I’m giving in November is enough to light a flaming fire under my ass. I am determined to have as much of this thing written and turned in by the end of this semester so I only have to ask for an extension so that my committee can tell me what to fix and then pass me. Hopefully I won’t have to write any monthly progress reports. Uhg!
ugg is right. I wish you luck !
Happy Happy Birthday!! Too bad about the school stuff though. You’ve made it this far, you’ll work it out and finish.
Happy Birthday! Hope it’s a great one and you get to have your Cheesecake Factory. Sorry about all the school stress. Ugh says it all! I know it will all work out, hopefully sooner rather than later so you don’t have to worry about all this. Enjoy the rest of your birthday! 🙂
Just go with it… that stuff will all work out when it’s supposed to. Hope you’re having a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Happy Birth Anniversary. 🙂 Sorry about the school stuff.
Happy Birthday! Here’s to many more 🙂
Hope you had a great day and many more……Hope you liked the e-cards.Take care.
Happy birthday again, Dustin! No worries. If there’s one thing I believe about you it’s that once you’ve really decided to do something, you do it. Your class work will be the same if you get into the right frame of mind. Then you’ll hammer it out and do an excellent job.