I hope it’s dry and warm where you are, because it’s cold and miserable here! Many people’s Labor Day weekends at the shore have been ruined I’m sure.

So I didn’t get back to the gym on Thursday because I hadn’t slept enough. I really need to go back both days this weekend if possible, but it’s going to depend on how I feel. The stress and sleeplessness has gotten to me, I may be getting sick 🙁 Time will tell. I have lost a few pounds this week, mainly due to appetite loss and stress though. I did order the 90/10 Diet and Cookbook that Aravis mentioned. Only the cookbook came today, the other will probably show up tomorrow. The receipes look great! I can’t wait to try some of them.

This weekend is my birthday. Well not really, it’s Tuesday. However this is my birthday weekend. As I previously posted, most of my friends (the ones that like to party) are out of town. That sucks! Oh well, I’m still hoping to hit the Cheesecake Factory on Sunday or Monday with the BF and maybe some people from the farm.

Most of this weekend is going to be dedicated to a dissertation fest. Sucks that I have to spend my birthday weekend doing school work, but I have no choice. I plan to take the nights off to enjoy movies or videogames (or both).

Finally I got the pleasure of hearing Nick Lachey’s latest song “I Can’t Hate You Anymore.” If you thought he whined on the last song “You Can Have What’s Left Of Me” then wait till you hear his new song. Oh lord! Nick may be easy on the eyes, but boy is he a crybaby. I’m beginning to realize why Jessica dumped him.


8 Replies to “This And That Ramblings”

  1. Cold and miserable here, too. And wet— very wet. Many power outages being reported in the area, luckily my power has just returned. Time to be thankful for small things, I guess. Have a good weekend!

  2. Windy,chilly … reminds me that COLD AND SNOW ARE ON THE WAY … YUCK!!!!
    Day 5 and counting …… Happy Weekend.Thanks for all of your hard work on your sites.

  3. It’s been raining here for the past few days. We’re in a lull now but more is headed our way, I believe from you. So thanks. *G* As for the cookbook, the start of it gives some of the basic info, too, but of course the plan book is more thorough. You know the added exercise would probably help with your stress and inability to sleep. Of course, if you’re feeling sick it’s hard to make yourself exercise. Feel better soon!

  4. It is supposed to be rainy and crappy here too. But they are saying Monday looks better. I don’t have any out-door plans anyway so it doesn’t matter.

    Happy Early Birthday!!


  5. Yeah, like Jim said, it’s supposed to be rainy & crappy here, so you’re in good company. Hopefully, you can squeeze in some fun this weekend in addition to the schoolwork. Happy (early) Birthday, by the way.

  6. Well it’s HOT here, 90’s. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and if you do get to the Cheesecake Factory, try the Eggplant sandwich, excellent.

  7. Hope all is going well with the computer problems…..seems like you are a WIZZ KID with computers though.
    Count down to B day countinues…..

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