Uhg, can this week get any worse? For starters we’ve had four (?) straight days of terrible storms. I realize people out there (Fran) need rain, we have too much!
Nikko seems to be on a bathroom strike, as in he refuses to go to the bathroom outside and would rather just go inside.
My soap server has given me troubles the past two days. I’m currently locked out from updating it at the moment and have no idea when I’ll get access to it again. I was told in a few hours. People have started emailing me since I don’t have the update up. Shit happens people, sorry!
The soap server problems have taken me over the past few days, so I haven’t gotten much school work done. Grrr! There is nothing I can do about the soap server, but it’s getting to me and giving me a headache and is just a distraction.
I did NOT get up early enough to hit the gym this morning. I took two benadryl last night before bed for the allergy eye, which is better today. However the benadryl made me not want to get up. I did get up earlier than normal, just not early enough. I did however get to the gym this afternoon. I’m still stressed though.
Tonight while walking the dogs I noticed across the field some red and white funky lights were shining up from behind the woods. I don’t know what was causing it, it could just be something I never noticed or storms in the distance. I tried to take a photo, but the lack of a tripod and the rain didn’t make it easy.

Actually, that’s a strangely beautiful picture. I’m sure that wasn’t the intention, but it is.
I agree with Debby. I really love that shot!