As of yet I have not gone back to the movies since “Superman,” I think. Maybe it was “Devil Wears Prada?” The list of movies I want to see is growing too. Currently on the list . . .

Monster House
The Night Listener
The Descent

“The Pulse” is currently on my maybe list. I saw the Japanese flick this was based on. I was left pretty confused by it and even had to go online to find out what the hell it was about. I’m afraid of the remake will be like. Confusing as the original was, it had it’s creepy moments.

“Pirates 2” has been put on the wait for DVD list. Too many people were just too disappointed, so I’ll watch it when it comes out on DVD. Same goes for “My Super Ex-Girlfriend.” I just don’t have time to see all these films in the theater.

I may have to take a few nights this week and catch some late shows. By time 8-9pm rolls around my brain is mush, and there is nothing on TV. Anyone seen any of these yet? A few movies don’t open till this Friday.

It’s too bad the movie studios don’t put films on DVD sooner. I hear they make more money off the DVDs than the movies nowadays. I’d gladly pay double the movie ticket price and buy the DVD if it meant watching it in my home without idiotic movie goers.


6 Replies to “The Movies”

  1. That’s what I like about NetFlix. It doesn’t cost much and nobody around to annoy you but the people you invite to watch. *G*

  2. See now I thought Pirates was really a fun movie! I think you really had to love love love the first one for the second to appeal to you. If you were kind of on the fence about the first movie, the second probably wouldn’t be much for you. If you love pirate/fantasy stuff the movie is very entertaining, and how can you go wrong with Depp?

    You definitely had to see the first one or you will be lost during the second(smart move is to rewatch part one just before seeing the new one). The ending-well there really wasn’t an ending but that only leaves you wanting to see the third movie.

  3. Monster House was really GREAT…..Should have come out at Holloween.Night Caller strange but good.I understand more now why R.W.looked as he did in the movie.He looks like an older drinker. WEARY. WORTH SEEING. Looking forward to Step Up.

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