1. How much time do you spend on the Internet daily?
FAR too much. I am usually in front of my PC from the moment I get up to the moment I go to bed. Sad I know. Not always surfing the net, but always connected.
2. What are your favorite 3 websites?
I don’t have favorites, but I have those I visit daily. First soapoperafan.com, cause I’m always working on it 🙂 I read the news at 365gay.com usually. I also usually check out the ign.com sites.
3. Do you eat at your computer?
Yes, I have the crumbs in my keyboard to prove it.
4. Pick one and why – Reading the news online or in a newspaper?
Online, its just easier and you don’t get stinky newspaper ink smell on your hands.
5. How many people are on your instant messenger buddy list?
Which messanger? Far too many to count or list and most of the people I don’t know, I just add them when they request it. I need to stop that, I can’t go on most IM’s to talk with my friends without people hitting me up about the soaps.
I have crumbs in my keyboard as well, and am just trying to decide whether I’m anal enough to buy one of the special vacuum attachments for cleaning out keyboards which have come to this sorry state…
I just turn the keyboard over and bang the crumbs out 🙂