The last few days the heat died down, but my allergies have been killing me. Last night I feared I might need allergy shots again if this keeps up, but I am not injecting myself. I also would rather not subject myself to the skin tests again. I used to get allergy shots weekly as a child. Shots I can stomach, giving them to myself I cannot. This has become a trend, it eliminates the office visit and costs if the patients do it themselves.

Tonight I headed into the city to have din din with friends. I thought we might be making an evening of it, alas I was wrong. So I came home to Jersey MUCH earlier than normal for a Friday night. It might be for the best, I haven’t felt great today. I have spent the last few hours making up web page work that didn’t get done while I was out having dinner.

This weekend I’m going to do my best to plow through a ton of school work. I think I might treat myself to a movie at some point. I really want to see “The Night Listener,” which just opened. I still want to see “Monster House” as well. I’ve decided “Pirates 2” can wait till DVD, far too many people have told me negative things about it.

I think that’s about it. It’s almost 11:30 and I still have some work to do, groan. I’ll probably play a little Xbox360 before bed.


4 Replies to “Are You Tired? I Am So Very Tired.”

  1. Nowadays I rarely play anything, I never have the time to sit down and play 🙁 I’m usually working on the PC till 10-11pm, by then I don’t want to think anymore 🙂

    I just downloaded the demo for Dead Rising, I will probably play that.

  2. Feel better Dustin! And if you see The Night Listener, I’d love to read your opinion. Good luck with the school work too!

  3. “Prey” has a fairly lengthy free download — the first three or four chapters (out of 22) as I recall.

    Hurry — you have to save Jen! 🙂

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