It’s Wednesday, which means it’s another “Project Runway” night! It’s odd that I should look forward to Wednesdays so much, usually it’s such a crappy day. Anyways, I’m going to put my money on Jeffrey being out tonight. Oh wait, I forgot, there is huge drama on the show tonight. Someone gets kicked off for breaking the rules somehow. SHOCKING! Maybe there will be two people kicked off tonight?
Today I cleaned the bedroom really really well, with the hopes I’ll be able to sleep in it. What I probably need to do is get some germicidal and scrub the walls, I’m sure there was mold and thousand year old dust mites underneath that wall paper and that is what is getting to me. Alas I don’t think we have any, and if we do I’m so not scrubbing walls at 7pm!
The heat wave continues. Tomorrow we were supposed to get a break, but no it’s going to hit 99 before the heat index. I don’t think I can continue to live in this weather. I don’t know how people can stand it in the southwest! For the past few days I haven’t worn any underwear. Just thought I’d throw that titillating fact out there. It’s too hot for undies!
A diet tip I also want to throw out there, stay away from Zantrax 3, America’s #1 selling diet pill. I’m sure that has not helped contribute to the way I’ve felt these past two days. I bought it not only because it was a “rapid weight loss pill” (yeah right) but it said you could just take it for energy boosts. I figured hey that could help me jumps start my day in the morning. It takes me forever to wake up and I’m one of those silly people who does not drink coffee. The caffeine in a coke won’t do anything for me, I’m too used to drinking soda (I limit it now that I’m trying to watch my weight of course). So I decided to try Zantrax 3. Like I said, stay away from this terrible pill. It gives you that detached percocet feeling without the fun buzz that comes with it. It makes you feel like crap.
That will do it for today’s ramblings. I’ve mentioned far too many drugs in this post, the search engines will so love me! I’m going to leave you with a new YouTube video. It will be up for a limited time only, until I decide to delete it haha! A 360 look at the bedroom that’s giving me so many issues as of late. A lot of the furniture has been moved around or pulled out, such as the mirror/vanity.
OMG, you sound different then what you look like!!
I bet your room will look really nice once you paint in there.
Have you tried 5-HTP, aka Griffonia bean? It’s a good appetite suppressant and mood regulator, especially for those evening munchies.
I have not, but I will look for it. Thanks!
It’s hotter than hell here, too. I’ve never been the ‘commando’ type, but for the last two weeks, I’ve been wearing shorts to work… minus the underwear. I’m actually REALLY liking it.
Oh ya, what did you mean when you showed the door, and said that was where bad people go?
Just a joke 🙂 It doesn’t show well cause I made the video on the bed, it’s a little door in the back wall. It leads to a storage space. It’s kinda creepy and where the troll/monster/creepy-man-living-in-the-walls would come out of if my life was a horror film 🙂
Ugh… remember that Wes Craven(I think) movie, “The People Under the Stairs”? That’s what little closet/storage doors remind me of! Anyway, that picture you bought on your cruise rocks! I hope your heat wave breaks soon, ours finally broke this afternoon…for a day at least:) Stay cool…
Ours breaks tomorrow night 🙁 YEah I liked that Wes movie actually. It’s also where every crazed killer in the Lifetime Movie Of The Week hides before they attack Jo from Facts of Life 🙂
I totally agree about the Zantrax 3….I took it for 3 days and threw the bottle away….it made me feel like total crap, too.