I should have posted this earlier, with 3 hours to go till the east coast viewing I don’t know how many people will see this.…
Lance Bass Is Gay
Some on the web are calling it “Hollywood’s Worst Kept Secret.” Lance has been spotted for months at notoriously gay events and hang-outs, but nothing…
I Don’t Want To Dance
So being in Virginia all weekend I was a little out of touch with, well everything. On Saturday the Scissor Sisters released their new single…
Shoutbox Issues
The fricken spam bots have gotten a little smarter lately and have been filling the shoutbox with sexual medication links/messages and such. I’m trying to…
Which Prince Song Are You?
BTW, the proper url to take the quiz is : http://www.clutterofechoes.com/Quizzes/princequiz.html> Which Prince Song You? this quiz was made by Selena
Made It Home Today . . . .
and I am so fricken tired! I was falling asleep at my PC tonight trying to get the soap page updates up. I wish I…
Crap and $hit
That is what my BF usually says when I call him up and ask what he’s doing. It’s also how I’m feeling today. I have…
Road Trip!
Mom seems to be okay, so I’m headed back home today. Hopefully Nikko won’t decide to be carsick this time around. I’m just trying to…
Moved Beyond Words
At first I thought someone made this up, then I realized it was real. I’m just speechless. I don’t know what is more sad, this…
My Really Really Bad Day
Last night I went to bed around 1am after enjoying some old episodes of “Buck Rogers” on DVD. Fortunately I decided I didn’t feel well…