I just realized going to the shore tomorrow is once again going to wreck this “no carbs diet” of mine. *Sigh* In two weeks is New Orleans, I don’t see myself losing much weight before then to look fabulous for my friends. I might just have to say I’m coming fat ass and all. They’ve already told me I’m NOT allowed to be on a diet there. I agree, there is too much good food in New Orleans. I guess I’ll have to do the best I can till then, then after New Orleans I have 6 months to get in amazing shape for the cruise 🙂

Meanwhile, I attempted to organize and move some things. I did better with my clothes, I did in fact make a huge pile of t-shirts that are too ratty to wear anymore, that I don’t wear anymore, and shorts my butt wished could fit into. The closet still has to be weeded out as well, I know half of what is in there will go as well. The misc/computer crap drawers didn’t go as well. It kinda went like this . . . .

Hmmmm, Windows XP Box and manual, but no disk. I think it may have been in my old roommates laptop which was stolen. Wait, it could be in my old desktop that died, I guess I’ll hang onto it just in case, it has the serial numbers (never mind I have 3 other Windows XP disks lying about from other PCs).

Oh, this is the old network card that was in my old desktop so I could get online when I lived on campus. It’s probably worthless. Oh well, I’ll keep it.

Oh this is the SCSI card for my old old old HP scanner. I’m not sure I even have the drivers for it anymore. Is SCSI even supported anymore? In the drawer it goes.

35some 3.5 floppies, some labeled, some not. Oh well, chucked in a drawer.

The manual and install disk for the printer that just broke and I had to throw out. Hmmm, the install disk may have applications I could use again someday (yeah right). In the drawer it goes.

Pointless cables, oh well, you never know! They’re keepers.

Drivers and games for my old VooDoo 3DFX videocard. I don’t even know where the card is anymore, and it certainly isn’t supported anymore. What the hell, I’ll hang onto them.

And thus nothing ever gets thrown away 🙂 I move this crap from place to place as well, why I don’t know. Honestly, I’ll never use any of the above, so I should just chuck it all.
