1. What is (or would be) your dream vacation?
Probably Europe. I’d love to see the old castles, churches, towns and stonehenge. Of course I’d like to see Europe when it’s warm and sunny, I don’t think those two go together though.

2. What’s one thing no vacation can do without?
Good weather? It sucks to go on vacation and have it rain the whole time.

3. What has been the best trip of your life so far?
Probably the first cruise I ever took, because it was my first visit to other countries (besides Canada, does that even count?). It’s also when I first got to see Mayan pyramids.

4. Who was with you on that trip and what is the role of that person in your life?
My boyfriend as well as some of his friends, who were stuck up snobs and not so nice to me.

5. What’s the worst thing that can happen during a vacation?
I would have to say death. It would suck to die on your vacation.

Speaking of vacations, last night I posted that I had indeed booked a trip to New Orleans. Oy! This morning I couldn’t believe I had done that, the peer pressure of my Internet friends got to me. I did want to go, but I had reservations because I really need to get on ball with my school work and the weekend in Vegas threw me off whack. New Orleans will be a reward for hopefully a productive month ahead. Plus I want to see my friends and have fun with them, even if they are bringing their husbands.

I really like New Orleans, have been twice, but haven’t been back for a few years. I’m interested to see how it looks after Katrina. Anyone been since then? Obviously the tourist industry hasn’t yet gotten back on its feet because we got a really nice hotel on Bourbon street for dirt cheap. Regularly it should be three times what we paid for it! That’s a good deal (for us at least).


5 Replies to “Friday Five for June 9th: Vacation All I Ever Wanted!”

  1. Yes, I’ve been to New Orleans since Katrina — went for Mardi Gras. I had been quite a few times prior, so, like you, I was curious what it would be like.

    I was surprised at how few people were there. We were actually there the Sunday before Mardi Gras Day, but I figured there would be more people. We did see signs of damage and some places just don’t look the same. A lot of restaurants weren’t open at the time, and if they were, it would be for limited hours because there wasn’t enough staff.

    That’s not to say it’s completely grim and depressing. There are signs of progress too. A lot of the street performers/artists/musicians are back and there were signs of construction on quite a few houses. And Bourbon Street was hopping. We weren’t there for too long, but it had a similar feel to it, even if there were fewer people.

    Don’t want to take up too much space on your blog, but did want to let you know that I was there just a few months ago. I think you’ll be happy you went. It’s definitely worth going – in fact, as soon as I get the chance to go again, I’m there.

    Happy to tell you more about it over email, if you’d like. I’ll take a stab at answering any questions or just tell you more about what we saw.

    Off-topic: I’m really glad Percy is back to his normal self. I was pulling for the little guy! I also think you and your BF make a wonderful couple. It’s obvious how happy the two of you are! 🙂

  2. Thanks for the feedback. I guess we’ll have to see what it is like. There are a few places i like to eat there, I hope they are openned!

  3. One of my aunts lives in Baton Rouge and is a nurse. She volunteers on weekends. It’s still a devastated area, with lots to do.

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