A mish mosh post, not dedicated to just one topic 🙂

My dead phone came back to life this morning. I don’t know why it didn’t work last night. We’ll see how long it lives. I’m eligible for an upgrade in September, hopefully it will hold out till then.

Percy is back to himself. Last night he started walking around a lot, jumping on the couch and chairs. He also got his appetite back. This morning he was running all over the house with the doggies, so he’s going to be fine. The breathing issues he was having are gone as well. Yeah! Alas I had to leave him, I went back to Va today for about a week. I wish I could have taken him, I will miss him and I’m he’ll miss the dogs.

So like I just said, I drove to Va today. They gave me a Hyundai Senata for my rental car. I have no intention to buy a Hyundai, but it was a nice car and I got to experience a lot of new options. It had a moonroof/sunroof, so I tested that out. I don’t get the fuss over them now. I didn’t see any difference with the glass closed. When I opened it while driving on the highway, it made my ears pop, I didn’t like that. Plus I couldn’t hear the radio. It is probably nice when driving in the burbs and stuff. The dogs honestly didn’t give two shits about the sun roof. If I go for a used car and it has one, great. Otherwise I’m not going out of my way for a car with one.

The car also had leather seats, reinforcing my desire to avoid a car with these. For starters, it smelled like my grandma’s car she had when I was little, not the greatest thing in the world. Also twenty minutes into my three to three and a half out drive, my butt and back got moist. Unless you’re describing a Duncan Hines cake, moist is never a good adjective.

The one feature the the car had that I liked was a V6 engine. I’ve never driven one, it was a much quieter and smoother ride. Unfortunately the Camry is the only car on my current list with this option. The Camry is also the most expensive.

Ten minutes from getting home, Nikko decided to puke in the car! Fortunately it all ended up on the floor mat. Phew! The little brat gobbled up the cat food this morning, I normally don’t feed them before car trips.

My friends are trying to convince me to go to New Orleans for a weekend. I am really tempted. I like NO, I have fun there. I would like to see how it looks now, as well as support the economy there by doing the tourist thing. However the one problem, aside from taking me away from school (and the soaps page for a few days), is that my friends are taking their hubbies! I’ll be the only one there on my own, not much fun for me. I asked if they could make their husbands go away at night and they said most definitely! I liked that answer 🙂 I’m looking into hotels and tickets and stuff this weekend. I’m also hoping Mary will want to go with so I’m not the only guy without a girl lol.

I guess that’s about it. I’m about to settle in to watch some TV. Tonight on BBCAmerica they are showing this show Hex, it’s about a witch or something. It looks gooooooood.


4 Replies to “This And That”

  1. I’m so glad to hear Percy is back to normal! I have 2 cats that are my children and when they are sick it makes me sick!

  2. I LOVE NO. Wish we could afford to go back but it will be a while I am sure.

    As for the moon/sun roof. I have a convertible and i find the noise level annoying especially for highway driving. I used to have a car witha moon roof and never did get used to the ear popping thing.

  3. I feel so bad lol, I lost interst in Hex. Though I was booking New Orleans at the time. My mom recorded it, I’ll watch it. I’m sure BBC will reair in 3 times this week too lol.

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