This sucks, timing couldn’t be worse! I’m set to drive to Virginia tomorrow. This means I’ll have to hit a Cingular store in the morning.

Oh well, now I can get a Razor 🙂


7 Replies to “My Cellphone Died!”

  1. Half my friends say the Razor phone is terrible (most of them have returned them for repairs), the other half says it’s great. Of course everyone also thinks Cingular service is horrible (at least here on the West Coast) so YMMV.

  2. I am going to see what they have at the store basically at thus point. I’m not buying anything that looks like my curent phone, it stinks.

  3. Nothing to add to the Razr question, but I’ve just been watching you on your webcam. Same shirt as in your picture? *G* Have a safe trip to VA.! :0)

  4. It’s close actually. This is a Days of Our Lives baseball tee. The one in the photo is cut off. It says I (heart symbol) boobies. Long story lol.

  5. I don’t like the Razor phone. My sister has one. It’s difficult for me to hear out of, but of course that may not be an issue. Also, if you like to hold your phone on your shoulder, the Razor is NOT the phone to get. It’s also just awekward in general.

  6. I hear the Razr phones break real easy because the flip part is so thin it tends to break off pretty easy.

  7. well my old phone may not be so dead afterall lol. It seems to be charginf now (though it said it was ysterday and died then)

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