Warning! Political post follows!
The Federal Marriage Amendment that would have protected marriage by making it illegal for gays and lesbians to marry failed to get the votes it needed in the Senate. This means because the threat of gays and lesbians getting married still exists that the divorce rates will continue to climb, adultery will run just as rampant, women will continue to have children out of wedlock and Jerry Springer and Maury Pauvich will continue to have plenty of candidates for their “I’m leaving you for (insert a living thing here)” and “I need a DNA test to find out who my baby’s daddy is” shows.
On a more serious note, perhaps those serious about protecting marriage should actually introduce bills and laws outlawing divorce, making adultery a punishable crime and perhaps forcing men and woman who have children out of wedlock to get married. Of course if that happened there would be such an uproar heard as it would be the majority’s marriage rights the government was legislating.
I dont think they care at all about marriage. It’s all about their ignorance. I personally am thrilled that the ammendment failed. To me it is ridiculious. They need to focus more on real problems in America instead of focusing their efforts on discrimination attempts. Sorry, I just had to get that out there.
I totally agree with you. Bush is just trying to get some support from the evangelics for the mid-term election. I don’t understand how gay marriag, which encourages stable relationships, two-parent families, etc. could possibly threaten marriage. I’m straight, and I don’t feel threatened.