I had the most bizzarro dream last night! I travelled back in time somehow, I don’t know. In the dream I thought it was 1975 I was in, but I know it wasn’t as I was excited to buy a ticket to see Star Wars in its first run (which would have been 1977). I also remember Coke tasted much better, as did McDonald’s. I was buying McDonalds to put in the fridge to take back with me. Also I remember there was no Dominoes anywhere! Funny because I can’t stand Dominoes, it tastes like cardboard (something years ago it did not used to). For some odd reason I could also call back home into the future, I remember calling my mom to tell her that I got tickets to see Star Wars. I remember telling her I could spoil everything and tell everyone that Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker’s father. I kept waking up, and every time I went back to sleep it got more bizarre. It eventually turned into me being chased through a hotel I was staying in, something out of a videogame really.
All i want to know is what did you eat last night before bed???
Strange dreams!
Hi Dustin, Just wanted to add my thoughts of well wishes for Percy too! I have been out of town for 5 days,, so just got caught up on my computor time. Glad to hear he is doing well.
I’ve been trying to do the Somersize thing lately, maybe her funky foods are causing it. Though I do admit I had a drink right before bed (literally, I got into bed with a little drinky and settled down to watch some tv and drift to sleep hehe). That could have done it, I usually have bizarro dreams after a night of drinking and dancing with friends.