This week’s topic is the 80s. Oh lord, far too many answers to give for this one, so I’m doing runners-ups
1) Favourite movie of the 1980s?
Winner: Return of the Jedi (yes I’m a geek)
Runner-Ups: Nightmare on Elm Street, Sixteen Candles
2) Favourite musician/group of the 1980s?
Winner: Tie between Prince and Madonna
Runner-Up: Skid Row (I can’t believe I admitted that)
3) Favourite TV show of the 1980s?
Winner: Probably have to say at the time The Cosby Show
Runner-Up: Golden Girls, Designing Women, Facts of Life, Different Strokes
4) Favourite invention of the 1980s?
Winner: Sega Master System!
Runner-Ups: Jelly bracelets (which are sex bracelets now, ew!), gumball machine slime
5) World Event from the 1980s that stands out in your mind?
Hands Down Winner: The Challenger blowing up (hey I was a kid in the 80s, politics meant nothing to me)
What are your plans for the weekend?
Car shopping, and hopefully dancing with friends Sat night. Also school work, then driving home to Va on Monday
Every once in awhile if my daughter is getting on my nerves (she’s almost 12… so it’s a lot), I will play my Skid Row CD really loud just to make her mad, or any other ’80’s CD I dig out of the pile. I’m such a bad mom:)
I also have all of Molly Ringwald’s movies and I love them and I can freely admit it (anonymously of course)