I have had the week from hell and it’s only half over! Where to begin? Anything that could possibly go wrong with my PC’s has,…
How Evil Are You?
You Are 40% Evil A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous…
Webcam Woes
This weekend I’ve been playing around with the webcam feature I added to the page. Originally it was just a static image that updated every…
Judas and Moses
I try and stay far far away from religious talk on most of my sites, because whenever you bring it up, you usually insult someone.…
This Week’s Friday Five (April 7th)
1. Do you like chicken? Um, if it’s cooked Chinese style I do! Well, that or fried. I don’t eat fried chicken much though, in…
Pretty Sneaky Sis!
Last night I discovered Tivo added all these new features, including silly little simple videogames. One is called Skull and Crossbones. I figured it was…
Fun Pointless Fact
On Wednesday at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 am the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. Dustin
Where The Magic Happens
Uh yeah, no not the bedroom you dirty monkeys! I thought it would be fun to post a snapshot of my workspace, where I do…